Comment Period: 60 days: submissions may be made between August 11, 2008 and October 10, 2008.
Description of Policy:
Ontario is modernizing its Mining Act to ensure that this legislation promotes fair, balanced, sustainable development that benefits all Ontarians.
Consultations will focus on five policy issues: the mineral tenure system, including free entry, and security of investment; Aboriginal rights and interests related to mining development; regulatory processes for exploration activities on Crown land; land use planning in Ontario’s Far North as it relates to mineral exploration and development; and private rights and interests relating to mineral development.
Purpose of Policy:
By modernizing the Mining Act, Ontario will ensure that it has up-to-date mining practices that support this important industrial sector. A modernized Mining Act would also address the need to ensure appropriate consultation and accommodation of First Nation and Métis communities.
Modernization will bring the Mining Act into harmony with the values of today’s society while maintaining a framework that supports the mineral industry’s contribution to Ontario’s economy.
Other Information:
This process supports Premier Dalton McGuinty’s July 14, 2008 Far North Planning announcement.
The modernization process will build on commitments outlined in Ontario’s Mineral Development Strategy, and on input and information received during previous consultations and dialogues – including ongoing discussions regarding an Aboriginal Consultation Approach for Mineral Sector Activities, the EBR-Environmental Registry posting on surface and mineral rights issues, consultations on Ontario’s Mineral Development Strategy and preliminary discussions toward the development of a Growth Plan for Northern Ontario.
Public Consultation:
This proposal has been posted for a 60 day public review and comment period starting August 11, 2008. If you have any questions, or would like to submit your comments, please do so by October 10, 2008 to the individual listed under "Contact". Additionally, you may submit your comments on-line.
All comments received prior to October 10, 2008 will be considered as part of the decision-making process by the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines if they are submitted in writing or electronically using the form provided in this notice and reference EBR Registry number 010-4327.
Please Note: All comments and submissions received will become part of the public record. You will not receive a formal response to your comment, however, relevant comments received as part of the public participation process for this proposal will be considered by the decision maker for this proposal.
Other Public Consultation Opportunities:
The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines will host facilitated public discussion sessions in Timmins (August 11), Sudbury (August 13), Thunder Bay (August 18), Kingston (August 28) and Toronto (September 8). Please visit for more information about the public meetings.
The public may respond to this discussion paper through the Environmental Registry or by emailing MNDM at Written submissions may be mailed to MNDM’s office at:
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
99 Wellesley Street West
Room 5630
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1W3
All comments should be sent by October 10. The ministry plans to introduce legislation in the upcoming session and, if it is passed, new rules would be in place for later next year.
The ministry will be reaching out to First Nation and Métis communities for their input through meetings with First Nation and Métis leaders and organizations. In addition, we will provide copies of this discussion paper to all First Nation communities and Aboriginal organizations in the province, then follow up with direct invitations for input. Focused meetings for mineral sector and other stakeholders will be held in appropriate locations throughout Ontario.
For further information on the review and modernization process, please call 1-888-415-9845 or email us at