Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dene Call for release of KI 6


April 28 – May 02, 2008 Yellowknife, Denendeh

SUBJECT: Release of the Kitchenuhmaykoosiv Inninuwug (KI) First Nations
Band Members

MOVED BY: Chief Fred Sangris, Yellowknives Dene First Nation, N'dilo

SECONDED BY: Grand Chief Gerald Antoine, Dehcho First Nations, Fort

DECISION: Carried by consensus

Whereas the Dene have gathered in Yellowknife, Denendeh to address the
important issues before the Dene; and

Whereas, six KI (Kitchenuhmaykoosiv Inninuwug) First Nations Band
Member were jailed for six months for peacefully defying a court order
that would allow Platinex to drill for minerals on their traditional

Whereas, like the Dene the KI people depend on their lands for food,
water and to survive as a nation

Whereas the KI have a right to be consulted on what happens within
their territories and to fair and just consideration by the courts and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Dene Nation Leadership calls for the
release of the six KI Members who have been imprisoned for standing up
for their rights as indigenous peoples who live and care for their land

Further that there be a fair, open, transparent consultation process to
avoid further complications

Certified copy of a resolution adopted on the 1st day of May 2008 in
Yellowknife, Denendeh