Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Letter to Exploration Managers-How to Notify and Seek Consent of First Nations

How to Notify and Seek Consent of First Nation(s) for Early Exploration.[prior to staking]

Submit a Work Plan Detailing Proposed Exploration Program to Affected First Nation(s).

Elements of a Work Plan

a) full and detailed information about the Applicant including
contact information;

(b) indication of the Subsurface Resource(s) being explored;

(c) detailed sketch map or maps, survey plan or aerial photographs/
satellite imagery of the Proposed Exploration Program area and surrounding area, with maps showing:

i) the location of the Proposed Exploration Program area being applied for and if known identifying the First Nation(s) Areas of Interest where the Proposed Exploration Program is located;

(ii) the Proposed Exploration Program boundaries;

(iii) the location of any existing infrastructure, previous Exploration
activity or known debris within the Proposed Exploration Program;

(iv) all significant natural features within the Proposed Exploration Program, including any body of water;

(v) the location and distance of all significant natural features
within a 500 meter radius of the boundaries of the Proposed Exploration Program, including any permanent or seasonal body of water;

(vi) the proposed location within the Proposed Exploration Program of the principal features of the Exploration Program, including airborne surveys, ground surveys, diamond drilling, trenching,
pitting and stripping and any underground workings;

(vii) the locations of all dwellings, buildings, and boundaries
of First Nation communities located within a 500 meter radius
of the boundaries of the Proposed Exploration Program;

(viii) the proposed access to the Proposed Exploration Program and its location in relation to trails, wharves, airstrips, power lines or roads in the vicinity;

(d) location of the Proposed Exploration Program in relation to the nearest First Nation community, dwellings, roads and other existing infrastructure and a description of the visibility of the Proposed Exploration Program from the Community and dwellings, roads and other features and facilities such as look-offs and parks;

(e) detailed information about the Proposed Exploration Program including a description of the nature and extent of topsoil and other overburden, and the type of vegetation cover over the land to be affected by Exploration activity;

(f) detailed information about the means of accessing the Proposed Exploration Program area;

(g) identification and summary of any prior Exploration activity
carried out by the Applicant at the Proposed Exploration Program area including prior permits
and leases;

(h) identification and composition of all consumable materials
to be stockpiled or stored on Proposed Exploration Program area;

(i) detailed description of Exploration activity to be carried out,
and all infrastructure and facilities to be constructed for purposes
of accessing the Proposed Exploration Program area and carrying out the Exploration Program;

(j) the source of all water to be used in the Exploration Program
and their geographic locations;

(k) a full description of all water withdrawal and transmission
facilities including the total capability of the water withdrawal
facilities, the total withdrawal capability per day and
the amount to be withdrawn from each water source, the
uses to be made of the water, the place or places of use, discharge
treatment and discharge facilities, and the place or
places of discharge;

(l) measures to be used at the Proposed Exploration Program area to delineate and mark the Proposed Exploration Program area
on the ground, identify the Plan Holder and protect the
safety of individuals entering the Proposed Exploration Program;

(m) the size of the workforce to be employed in the Proposed Exploration Program;

(n) an Environmental Protection Plan;

(o) a Reclamation and Closure Plan including, where appropriate,
a plan for progressive reclamation of the Proposed Exploration Program; and

(p) any other information that the Applicant deems relevant and wishes to provide,

Pay necessary fees to First Nation(s).

The First Nation(s) may[or may deny access] issue a land use permit/and/or negotiate an access or early exploration agreement for purposes of carrying out work and activities authorized under the Work Plan for a maximum term of one year.

A Work Plan must be certified to be true, accurate and complete by the Applicant

A Work Plan must include an agreement on the part of the Plan Holder to assume all liability arising out of the Exploration Program
and to indemnify the First Nation(s).

A Work Plan shall be considered to be incomplete until it has been received by First Nation(s).

A Work Plan is not approved until it has been approved by the First Nation(s).

Work Plan May Proceed Only Upon Approval of First Nation(s).

Consent for access to and use of lands( including flying of airborne survey) is granted by First Nation by issuance of a permit/and/or an access or early exploration agreement. The First Nation may deny access to any and all of the exploration area.