Monday, June 23, 2008

BC On Early Notification, Not Early Enuff

May 7, 2008
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
Notice to Private Land Owners Required Before Exploration
VICTORIA – Amendments to the Mineral Tenure and Coal Acts will be put in force on June 2, 2008, adding requirements to ensure free miners/mineral developers provide notice to private land owners and Crown land leaseholders before they enter the property to start any type of mining or exploration activity. Industry is being given notice of these changes at this time, so that companies can incorporate the new rules into upcoming exploration plans.

The Mineral Tenure Act and the Coal Act provide for the administration of the Province’s
mineral and coal rights. The two amendments are meant to reduce the potential for conflict between
free miners/mineral developers and land holders by promoting and facilitating open communication
between the parties.

The amendment to the Mineral Tenure Act requires people who explore for minerals (“free
miners”) and mineral developers to provide notice to private land owners and people holding Crown land leases or grants before entering the property to commence any mining or exploration activity. The Coal Act amendment ensures that the notice, content and delivery methods are consistent between the Mineral Tenure and Coal Acts.

The notice will advise the landowner of the free miner/mineral developers’ statutory right of
entry under the Acts, and inform the owner about the timing, scope and nature of activity to be done on the property.

Since November 2006, ministry staff have been consulting on the changes with industry and
land-holder stakeholders. They have also sought advice from other parties who contribute expertise
and best practices based on their own experiences interacting with resource developers and landholders.