We might be witnessing the initial stage of a wave of protests in Ontario.With the tectonic shift of power from Ontario to the West and the coincidence of global warming, plant closures, rising fuel prices and the ticking time bomb of alienated First Nation youth we have all the elements in place for a lot of unhappy folks expressing their anger on the streets and in the legislature.
If labour can keep its anger focused on the boss(so-far so good Buzz) and not fall into a backlash conservatism that blames First Nations and environmentalists for their plight we might have the makings of an unholy alliance that could get things rocking in Ontario.
Nice to see CUPE Ontario recently passed Resolution 38, in support of indigenous struggle for the land, against the criminalization of indigenous resistance.Government workers are always on the vanguard.
Blockaders of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but an injunction.
Cycles of protest are characterized by five elements: heightened
conflict[Ki, Grassy, Ardoch, Six Nations, CAW], broad geographic[Northern and Southern Ontario] and sector diffusion[forests, mining, nukes, auto, suburban development at Caledonia], the appearance of new social movement organizations[Free Lovelace and KI6 coalition], new frames of meaning[No Means No, End Free Entry] and the invention of new forms of collective action[Tent In, blogs, youtube, facebook].