Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why the Ontario Prospector Association and Mining Industry are Not Worried About the Boreal Announcement

Garry Clark, Ontario Prospectors chief apple shiner for the junior mining sector says they have staked up all the good ground up North.Sure pal.Enjoy your negotiations with International Nickel Ventures.It's a new day with the hammers McGuinty and co have given Neskantaga.Chris Hodgson of Majors lobby group Ont. Mining Assoc. was not so sanguine.

From todays Toronto Star

" A rush on staking in the Far North won't be a problem, said Garry Clark, executive director of the Ontario Prospectors Association.

"There's no road access. It's either float plane or helicopter access. It would cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to go and randomly stake, and if you don't do any work on it in two years you lose the claims," he said. Besides, the industry has been in a boom in recent years, he said. "If it's good looking rock, we've already staked it."

There are about 6,000 mining stakes in the Northern Boreal region, according to ForestEthics.