Sunday, April 13, 2008

Jack Layton Says Feds Have Role to Play in Freeing KI 6

When asked about his party's take on the recent dispute over mining
rights between the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation and
Platinex, Layton said the federal government should make more of an
effort to intervene in these kind of matters.
"I don't know why Mr. Harper's government takes a hands-off attitude,"
he said. "We think the federal government should be stepping in. We
shouldn't be having these kinds of conflicts increase to the point
where people end up in jail."

The feds could have made a decision on the KI land claim. The claim has
sat in the federal claim backlog for more than 7 years.Come on Minister Strahl, send some direction down to the bureaucrats responsible!