Thursday, April 17, 2008

LU Teach In and Fast For KI 6


Local Group to Fast for KI-6 Print E-mail
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Thunder Bay -- A group of concerned Elders, faculty, staff & students
at Lakehead University are picking up the Nishnawbe Aski Women's
Council's challenge to hold a 24-hour fast to support the KI6.

The fast & teach-in will be held for the KI6 on April 21-22/08 at
Lakehead University in the Agora.

The fast will start on Mon, Apr 22 7:30-9 am: Ceremony to open fast;
introduction to what has happened in the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
dispute with Platinex and Ontario over mining exploration in their
traditional territory. Noon-1 pm: Drumming, round table & open mike for
questions & comments. 4-5 p.m.: Drumming, various speakers. Tues, Apr
22 8-9 am: To discuss further action & close fast.

We welcome members of the university community & wider community of
Thunder Bay & area to join us to fast, pledge financial support for the
KI6 &/or learn more about the KI6 situation. We are also challenging
organizations in the area & other colleges & universities across Canada
to take up the wave fast in support of the KI6. For further info,
contact Peggy Smith at pasmith@lakeheadu.caThis e-mail address is being
protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .