Saturday, May 3, 2008

Grand Chief Vows Platinex Will Face Chiefs on Ground If they Attempt Anything In KI

Platinex officials will be met with resistance should they attempt to
go to Kitchenuhmaykoosib.

"The people on the ground are determined to keep them out," Nishnawbe
Aski Nation Grand Chief Stan Beardy said outside the jail where five KI
members including four leaders are currently incarcerated for contempt
of court. "The people on the ground will not let them in."

NAN chiefs are prepared to stand behind the people of KI should
Platinex try to get on the land, Beardy said.
"We have made a commitment," Beardy said. "The chiefs will be flying in
to stand beside the people of KI (if necessary)."

Added Wawakapewin Chief Joshua Frogg: "Platinex should know they will
be opposed. My community members will be there.

"I will be there, standing at the front of the line to keep Platinex
out of KI."

This isn't a short-term issue, Frogg said.

"They will not be allowed to access the winter road," he said. "If they
try to fly into KI, hundreds of people could meet them at the airport.

'We will fly in opposition to Platinex."

Joey McKay said the community appreciates the support it has received
so far.

McKay is a member of the working group helping keep KI run smoothly
while its leaders are incarcerated for six months for contempt of court
over the situation with Platinex.

"We've received a lot of emails, calls and messages," he said.

"We haven't had time to react to most of them."