Friday, May 30, 2008

No Respectful Period of Quiet Reflection, NAN Resumes Northern Table

While KI supporters were rallying on the lawn at Queens Park, NAN was negotiating the budget for the Northern Table.


Hon. Michael Bryant: Sure. I think this is important for the public to understand. There’s a real recognition that the northern table dollars—the extent to which the government of Ontario is respecting the leadership of NAN, and Grand Chief Beardy in particular—that’s also a question that I know Grand Chief Beardy himself would also be able to answer. I certainly don’t speak for him, but I’m actually speaking with him later on today about the issue of the northern table budget ...

Oski-Machiitawin (New Beginning) Commences

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy together with the Oski-Machiitawin (formerly “Northern Table”) NAN Chiefs steering committee announced today their decision to commence accelerated bilateral discussions with the Government of Ontario regarding lands and resources.

“We look forward to a Government to Government relationship where our First Nation Chiefs can sit down with the Premiere and Cabinet Ministers and begin to work on these important issues,” said NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy.

The bilateral partnership between NAN Chiefs and the Government of Ontario was established November 2007 with the intent to jointly develop a results-based process to address and resolve current challenges in the areas of consultation and accommodation, resource development, mining, parks, and licensing permits within NAN territory.

The suspension of Oski-Machiitawin on April 3, 2008, based on a decision by the NAN Executive Council, called for the immediate and unconditional release of the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) Chief and Council.

“The issues faced by KI cannot be resolved without political discussions,” said Beardy.

KI Chief Donny Morris, Deputy Chief Jack McKay, head councilor Cecilia Begg, councilors Sam McKay, Darryl Sainnawap, and band member Bruce Sakakeep were released following their appeal on Wednesday May 28, during which their sentence was reduced to time served. The KI leadership were sentenced to six months in jail after disobeying a court order allowing junior mining exploration company Platinex Inc. to access KI traditional territory.

Litigation between KI, Platinex Inc., and the Government of Ontario has been ongoing since Platinex sued the remote First Nation community for $10 billion after they were told to vacate KI traditional land February 2006.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation is a political territorial organization representing 49 First Nation
communities within James Bay Treaty 9 and Treaty 5 territory. KI is a signatory to Treaty 9 (1929).

For more information please contact Michael Heintzman, Media Relations Officer – Nishnawbe Aski Nation (807) 625 4906.
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