There is a growing sense of desperation in the Pink Palace. The Liberals have just stood on the sidelines and watched the largest social movement since the halcyon days of the anti free trade movement form in response to the outrage of the jailing of Bob Lovelace and the KI6.
Suddenly the marginal issue of aboriginal rights and the "out of sight out of mind" mining industry are at the top of the public agenda.
Desperate to contain the damage, Ontario has filed a factum arguing for the release of Bob Lovelace and the KI6. Platinex no stranger to wearing the black hat has said nah, deny the appeal and keep these law breakers in jail.
Minister Bryant and the Dalton gang now find themselves caught in the vice of the Platinex lawsuit against Ontario for failing to discharge the duty to consult and facing the grim prospects of mass arrests at Queens Park leading to the National Day of Action.
Ontario needs a way out.Releasing the jailed leaders does not address the issue of the right to say no, it only postpones the trouble until the next provocation of KI by Platinex.
No doubt we will soon see permitting replace the current free entry system.But that won't be enough.
We won't rest until First Nations have the right to say no- and not just to mining.