Saturday, May 10, 2008

KI Rally, Tent In, Court of Appeal and National Day of Action Toronto May 26-29th

> Sovereignty Sleepover: Toronto, Queen's Park May 26th - May 29.
> Rally: Queen's Park May 26th, 5 p.m. - dusk.
> Respect the right of First Nations to say no to economic exploitation
> and environmental destruction.
> No jail for saying no.
> Free Bob Lovelace and the KI
> Six.
> On May 26th Indigenous communities will gather at Queen's Park to
> uphold our duty to protect the land, forest, water, and air and to
> promote respect for our Indigenous rights to say no to economic
> exploitation and environmental destruction. It is time to end the
> jailing and harassment of our people for protecting mother earth and
> traditional ways. Please come to our large rally on May 26th at the
> legislature. We are also inviting supporters to join us in four days
> of ceremony, speakers, workshops, music, and a three night sovereignty
> sleep-over directly on the front lawn of the legislature.
> Right now Indigenous communities across Ontario are taking a stand to
> assert our right to protect our traditional territories and the future
> of our peoples. Our communities are peacefully protesting destructive
> industrial projects that the government is permitting on our
> traditional lands without community consent.
> Rather than respecting Treaties of co-existence and the UN recognized
> Indigenous right to withhold consent over industrial projects on
> traditional lands, the Ontario government is harassing Native people
> and jailing community activists and leaders including Bob Lovelace,
> Donny Morris, Sam McKay, Jack McKay, Cecilia Begg, Darryl Sainnawap,
> Bruce Sakakeep, and others. This cannot stand! Please join us in
> supporting freedom for First Nations and respect for the land.
> We Need: volunteers, donations of money, food, tents, blankets,
> billeting, endorsements, and publicity.
> Please let us know if your group wants to organize an event during
> the Gathering on May 27, or May 28.
> To help out, or for information updates contact:
> Supporters: come prepared to take care of your own needs and to take
> direction from the communities.
> This is an event of: Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI), Ardoch
> Algonquin First Nation, Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek (Grassy
> Narrows First Nation) [others may join soon].
> Endorsers: Christian Peacemaker Teams, Rainforest Action Network, No
> One is Illegal Toronto, Canadian Federation of Students [others will
> confirm soon].