Sunday, May 11, 2008

Key Section of Letter to Crown/Company

Establishment of a Workable Consultation Process

* More information required

Before we can provide you with further information on our concerns with [name of project / initiative], we require further information about [describe any information you require, such as copies of studies, data, etc.].

* needs to undertake research

We cannot fully engage in a consultation process with respect to [name of project / initiative] unless we are satisfied that there will not be any unacceptable impact on our rights and interests and [describe potential issues of concern] have been addressed. We therefore request that [name appropriate department or proponent] carry out [describe nature of research] in order to assist us in determining whether our concerns are warranted.

* First Nation needs to undertake research

We also must carry out an to determine the nature and extent of cultural resources in the area that may be affected.

In addition, we must conduct research to determine the of [name of project / initiative].

Furthermore, we must with community members and, in particular the elders, to determine the potential impact of [name of project / initiative] on [describe issue requiring further research].

* Timing issues

We cannot respond to you [fill in date or time period] because [provide reason, e.g. department workload, council or community meeting schedules, etc.]. We therefore request that you postpone the deadline and refrain from making any decisions with respect to [name of project / initiative] until [date by which First Nation can respond]. Funding issues

In order to respond to your request regarding [describe nature of referral request], we will require funding to cover our costs connected with [describe the expenses for which the First Nation requires funding - such as costs of studies, interviews, holding meetings, hiring experts, legal costs, staff time, administration & overhead]. Our First Nation does not receive funding to cover these types of expenses and we are unable to engage in a consultation process in a timely fashion without such funding.