Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 26th Queens Park Rally and Tent In-Countdown Begins

We're not hearing support from the police on the tent embassy yet.


Sovereignty Sleepover: Toronto, Queen's Park May 26th – May 29.

Rally: Queen's Park May 26th, 5 p.m. – dusk.

Respect the right of First Nations to say no to economic exploitation and environmental destruction.
No jail for saying no.
Free Bob Lovelace and the KI Six.

On May 26th Indigenous communities and our supporters will gather at Queen's Park to uphold our duty to protect the land, forest, water, and air and to promote respect for our Indigenous rights to say no to economic exploitation and environmental destruction. It is time to end the jailing and harassment of our people for protecting mother earth and traditional ways. Please come to our large rally on May 26th at the legislature. We are also inviting supporters to join us in four days of ceremony, speakers, workshops, music, and a three night sovereignty sleep-over directly on the front lawn of the legislature.

Right now Indigenous communities across Ontario are taking a stand to assert our right to protect our traditional territories and the future of our peoples. Our communities are peacefully protesting destructive industrial projects that the government is permitting on our traditional lands without community consent.

Rather than respecting Treaties of co-existence and the UN recognized Indigenous right to withhold consent over industrial projects on traditional lands, the Ontario government is harassing Native people and jailing community activists and leaders including Bob Lovelace, Donny Morris, Sam McKay, Jack McKay, Cecilia Begg, Darryl Sainnawap, Bruce Sakakeep, and others. This cannot stand! Please join us in supporting freedom for First Nations and respect for the land.


We Need: volunteers, donations of money, food, tents, blankets, billeting, endorsements, and publicity.

Please let us know if your group wants to organize an event during the Gathering on May 27, or May 28.

To help out, or for information updates contact:

Supporters: come prepared to take care of your own needs and to take direction from the communities.

This is an event of: Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI), Ardoch Algonquin First Nation, Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek (Grassy Narrows First Nation).

Supporters: CPT, RAN, NOII, CFS, CLC, CAW Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy - Ryerson University, Mining Watch Canada, OCAP, ForestEthics, Now Magazine, Defence for Children International, Ryerson Aboriginal Students Services, CAIA, OPSEU, CUPE Ontario, Greenpeace, The Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples and The National Indigenous Anglican Bishop - The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, KAIROS, OSSTF.

Gathering of Mother Earth Protectors website:

Welcome Rally:

Sovereignty Sleepvoer:

Mother Earth Protectors Walk: