There is some debate on who should wear the black hat in our story.
The problem is that there are too many villains who deserve them.
But let's not forget Platinex started it all with the $10 billion lawsuit.No lawsuit,no attempt to access the land, no court order, no violation of the court order, no contempt, no jail for the KI leaders.
The company always had the option of filing suit against Ontario but waited until this year to do so.
But for the Platinex lawsuit none of the other "villains"( the private security consultant, Neil and Tracy, Cam Clark, Laurie Churchill, Owen Young, Michael Bryant and a cast of thousands of other nameless miscreants) in our story would have appeared.
So the award for the biggest black hat goes to-Platinex.Better luck next time to all those who cast for the role but were edged out in the final ballot.