Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 23 KI Support Rally in T.O.

Anishinabek Nation taking part in rally
Posted 39 mins ago

Citizens of the Anishinabek Nation are encouraged to take part in a
Unity Rally Wednesday at Queen's Park in Toronto.

"Changes to the Mining Act need to reflect the obligation of other
parties to consult with First Nations and accommodate our interests
before they undertake exploration on our traditional lands," John
Beaucage, Grand Council Chief of the Anishinabek Nation, said in a
media release.

Six members of the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation,
including its chief and deputy chief, were sentenced to six months in
jail in March after ignoring an injunction which allowed Platinex, a
junior exploration company, to start drilling on traditional aboriginal

"No First Nations leaders should be sent to jail for standing up for
their rights," Beaucage said.

A bus will leave Nipissing First Nation to take participants to Toronto.

For more information, call Elaine Commanda at 753-2050.