TB News Source
Web Posted: 4/22/2008 7:47:35 PM
Click Camera To Watch This Newscast KI Deputy chief's wife says public
support helps them cope
The wife of one of the six Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug band members
puts a human face on the ordeal playing out in her family's life as she
visited her husband who is serving a six-month jail term for civil
contemp on Tuesday.
Theresa Mckay, wife of KI Deputy Grand Chief Jack Mckay says its been
hard having her husband away from home. Six members of the
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation, including Chief Donny Morris
and Mackay were sentenced to six months in jail last December after
ignoring an injunction allowing Platinex Inc. to resume drilling on
traditional aboriginal territory.
Mckay is in Thunder Bay to visit her husband and is also taking part in
some teach-in sessions on the KI issue at Lakehead University.
She says the toughest part is explaining to her children why their
father is away ''especially for our daughter...she is hearing
impaired...but she knows he is there, she drew a picture for him.. he
was behind bars.''
Mckay says what is helping her and her family cope is the huge amount
of support they are receiving. On a regular basis letters and phone
calls have been coming in for Jack, who has been at the Thunder Bay
Correctional Centre for more than a month.
'' I have so much respect for him.. what he believes in,'' she said.
Wednesday the Ontario Regional Chief along with other First Nation
Leadership will assemble at Queen's Park and rally for the release of
the KI leaders.