From the NDP
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
NDP leader Howard Hampton continues to press for justice for jailed
Ontario aboriginal leaders.
During Question Period last Thursday, Hampton reiterated concerns
expressed at a large rally at Ryerson University held in support of the
jailed aboriginal leaders from Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) and
Ardoch Algonquin First Nations.
"Everyone at the rally made the same point: that the jailing of First
Nation leaders simply because they oppose mining exploration and
mineral development at this point in time on their traditional lands is
wrong," said Hampton.
"This is a disgrace and the McGuinty government needs to something to
stop it immediately," he stressed.
The rally drew a diverse crowd of more than 500, including national
chief Phil Fontaine, former national chief Ovide Mercredi, and
representatives from many environmental and social justice
The rally was protesting the six-month jail sentence handed to Robert
Lovelace of the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation, as well as to Chief
Donny Morris and five other leaders of the KI First Nation.
"This is real black eye for Ontario," said Hampton. "The McGuinty
government needs to resolve this situation.
"Are they prepared to commit today to supporting the immediate and
unconditional release of these jailed First Nations leaders?" he asked.