Aboriginal activists gather in Toronto to call for changes to Ont.
mining laws
TORONTO - Activists protesting the jailing of six members of a
remote aboriginal community say the Ontario government must change
outdated mining laws.
Hundreds of people, including aboriginal leaders from across the
country, rallied at Queen's Park in Toronto today in a show of
solidarity with the jailed members of the KI First Nation.
The demonstration comes one day after the Ontario government awarded
more than 29,000 hectares of new land to Platinex Inc., whose recent
court action led to the jailings.
The KI community members, including Chief Donny Morris, were jailed
last month after they ignored a court order to stay off disputed land.
Critics say the new land award could infringe upon several northern
Ontario aboriginal groups and set a chilling precedent for future land
Premier Dalton McGuinty says the laws, which are at least 80 years
old, are due for an update and don't reflect current social or
environmental standards.