Statement of support – First Nations leaders in Ontario
from PSAC National Aboriginal, Inuit and Métis (NAIM) Circle
April 12, 2008
At its April 10-12, 2008 meeting, the National Aboriginal Inuit and
Métis (NAIM) Circle of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)
expressed strong dismay with the recent jailings of First Nations
leaders of the Ardoch Algonquin Nation in Eastern Ontario and the
Kitchenumahkoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation in Northern Ontario.
Both these struggles, like many others in Canada, are about the
unresolved First Nations land claims. Both these struggles are also
about the failure of our governments – in this case the government of
Ontario -- to engage in and ensure that meaningful consultation with
First Nations on land and resources take place. Both these struggles
are about exploration by the mining industry on traditional lands of
First Nations communities. In both these struggles, First Nations
leaders have been jailed because they firmly believe that the
fundamental rights of their First Nations communities to their land and
water have been violated. In both these struggles, First Nations are
supported by community coalitions.
The NAIM Circle reiterates our full support for the broader struggles
of the Ardoch Algonquin Nation in Eastern Ontario and the
Kitchenumahkoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation in Northern Ontario, and
for the jailed First Nations leaders.
The Circle is calling on the PSAC and our broader communities to take
concrete action in support of these struggles. In the coming days, we
will be drafting a letter to Premier McGuinty condeming the actions of
the Ontario government and urging him to take immediate action to
release the jailed First Nations leaders and to engage in meaningful
consultation on the protection of land, water and other resources.
(signature by NAIM Circle members)