IN my opinion, the lack of consensus will make these talks difficult, if
not impossible and are confusing to many supporters.
Let us hope that the NAN negotiating team keep their eyes on the prize.
Oxfam has it right when they say the issue is about the right to know
and the right to decide.
> Oxfam calls on international oil, gas, and mining companies to show
> their respect for:
> * A community's* right to know *by providing complete and timely
> information about how their work affects communities
> environmentally, socially, and economically and how much
> extractive industries are paying governments for natural
> resources;
> * A community's* right to decide* by requiring extractives companies
> to obtain the free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) of
> communities affected by oil, gas, and mining operations. For
> indigenous peoples in particular, FPIC is a critical means of
> protecting sacred lands and cultural identity.
> Additional information on Oxfam America's new initiative is available
> at: www.oxfamamerica.org/rights-resources