�North McFauld's Lake – is located 22 km north of
Noront Resources' Eagle One and Eagle Two nickelcopper-
PGE discoveries. This property comprises
608 contiguous claim units covering 9,846 ha (24,320
acres). The property adjoins on the south and east a
claim block held by MacDonald Mines and Temex
Resources, and on the west a block held by Noront
Resources. It was staked to cover a layered intrusion
coupled with magnetic anomalies which was recently
revealed in survey publications by the Ontario
�South McFauld's Lake – is located 25 km southwest of Noront Resources'
Eagle One and Eagle Two nickel-copper-PGE
discoveries. This property comprises 692 claim units in three blocks
covering 11,206 ha (27,680 acres). The property adjoins
a block held by MacDonald Mines, Temex and Baltic Resources on the
southeast, a claim block held by MacDonald Mines
and Temex Resources to the east, and a block held by Noront Resources
and MacDonald Mines on the west. Platinex staked
it covering a layered intrusion that is coupled with magnetic anomalies
and the possible strike extension to the southwest of
the host environment for the Noront discoveries; all of which were have
been recently revealed in survey publications by the
Ontario government.
�Norton Lake – is located 413 km north of Thunder Bay and 50 km
northeast of Fort Hope in Ontario. This property
comprises 56 claim units for 907 ha (2,240 acres). The property covers
a magnetic anomaly to the south and west of a 2.46
million-tonne resource of nickel, copper, cobalt, and palladium held by
Cascadia International Resources and East West
Resources. Lake sediment anomalies in the area suggest an environment
promising for these metals on the Norton Lake
�Awkward Lake – is located 175 km north of Thunder Bay. This property
comprises 88 contiguous units covering 1,425 ha
(3,520 acres). The property adjoins the International Nickel Ventures
property on the south and the Cascadia International
Resources property on the southwest as with Norton Lake (above). It was
staked to cover the northern portion of the
Awkward Lake intrusion which is believed to be the same age and style
as the producing Lac des Iles intrusion belonging to
North American Palladium Ltd. and contains known nickel-copper-PGE