Free entry mining operates like McDonalds-first come, first served. The first company to stake a claim gets the right to work the ground.Of course First Nation rights trump these intruder rights, but we will leave that aside.
Platinex was happy to announce it had staked some new claims in the territory of various Matawa communities in the McFaulds Lake nickel and base metals boom.But unfortunately they were just the latest in a list of more than 40 companies active in the area.
If first come, first served is good enough for staking mining claims it seems to me that it should be the rule for First Nation consultation. Once the Matawa communities finish their consultations with the 40 other companies already in line then Platinex can be addressed.
Up until the other consultation duties are met no work by Platinex should proceed. To work would only mean infringing on Matawa aboriginal and treaty rights prior to consultation.And company infringements without community consultation can only lead to trouble.
At the rate ( trickle, trickle) Ontario is putting resources into First Nation consultation we can expect that Platinex won't be getting on the ground anytime soon.