> Re: Be leery of leftist saviours By Joseph Quesnel
> Sat, April 19, 2008
> Dear Editor:
> Articles like this make me realize how scary we uppity Indians can
> be. "Be Leery of Leftists?" Like, first of all we need another white
> man's advice cause so far that's worked out really well for our
> people.
> Secondly, do you think we are such incompetent fools that we blindly
> follow people espousing Eurocentric philosophies like sheep to the
> slaughter? You really believe that those of us who reject capitalist
> models of development that have impoverished our people, destroyed our
> lands and threaten future generations are in danger of being
> "converted" by Marxist, socialists and anarchists? That all this talk
> about genocide, colonialism and recovering our cultures is a
> smokescreen and we're actually waiting in line to sign up for our
> Community Party membership cards?
> Thirdly, I don't seem to recall that it was leftists that deliberately
> infected our people with smallpox. I don't think it was leftists that
> ran those residential schools. Was it leftists that passed the Indian
> Act? Had leftists infiltrated the RCMP when they came to depose the
> legitimate leaders of our communities, sometimes killing them, in
> order to impose band councils? Do leftists operate the mines that
> poison our water, land and air? Are those clear cutting operations a
> front for leftists organizations? Are there leftists in the
> provincial governments leasing our lands and issuing permits to
> resource extraction companies?
> As far as I can tell our people accept allies on the basis of their
> respect for our ways, our cultures, our legitimate leadership and our
> decison-making processes.
> But thanks for your colonial perspective. I really miss those "red
> baiting" days.
> Zainab Amadahy
> 110 George Street South #103
> Toronto
> M5A 4P9
> 416-368-0348