April 15, 2008 Tuesday 1:55 PM Eastern Time
The AFNQL Declares its Support to the Six Political Prisoners, Members
of the KI Band
LENGTH: 233 words
The Assembly of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL)
denounces the imprisonment of six members of the Kitchenuhmaykoosib
Inninuwug (KI) First Nation, in Ontario. These members have been
sentenced to six months of incarceration, on March 17th. These
political prisoners have been pushed by the governments of Canada and
Ontario to stand up for their rights in regards to a mining exploration
project, for which no consultation was held.
"It is not the first time that such a dispute occurred in one of our
communities. We only have to go back a few years, when two Quebec
Chiefs were also arrested for the simple fact of trying to have their
ancestral rights respected, on issues which affected natural resources.
Where is it going to end? This intolerable situation requires an
immediate action so that the six persons of KI are released, and this,
in the best possible delays, and a real negotiation in good faith must
begin between the concerned parties. It is high time that the federal
government does its homework, takes its responsibilities, and respects
its obligations to consult", states the Chief of the AFNQL, Mr.
Ghislain Picard.
The Assembly of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador is the
regional organization which regroups the Chiefs of the First Nations of
Quebec and Labrador.
CONTACT:Alain Garon, Communications Officer, AFNQL, (418) 842-5020,
Cellular: (418) 956-5720