> Mining dispute must be resolved before K.I. appeal launched
> Tb News Source
> Web Posted: 4/15/2008 7:44:55 PM
> While it was initially indicated an appeal of the K.I. 6 case would
> proceed this week, the appeal is now on hold. The legal team
> representing the six Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug band members has
> made a change in tactics.
> The band chief and members of council have been in jail for less than
> a month after being found guilty of contempt of court in connection to
> their opposition to mineral exploration on their traditional lands.
> Lawyer Christopher Reid says they have decided there is no benefit in
> pursuing the band leaders release until the underlying reason for
> their incarceration is resolved. Reid says they will continue to
> pursue their demand that changes be made to Ontario's Mining Act
> adding, if released, the band would continue to oppose mineral
> development on their lands, something that could result in them being
> sent right back to jail. Reid says it is now up to the McGuinty
> government to take action if they want to resolve the issue.